The Motorcycle Question

Posted On : 10-07-2014

"Why do you ride?" Image title






I get asked that question a lot. It’s not like I go around asking people why they take the bus or drive cars.
I don’t know whether to laugh out loud or feel sad for them. Poor things, they don’t know what they’re missing out on.

Riding is so much more than just a means of transportation. There is nothing quite like the feeling you get being
one with the machine. It is considerably different from driving a car. In a car, you are shielded behind a windscreen,
enclosed in that capsule. Riding, however, puts you out there in the environment, and you can feel everything.
You are in the moment, and not merely watching it go past you.

But hey, for all those of you out there who really want to know, here’s why.


Yes, I’m sure everyone has heard of the recent COE (Certificate of Entitlement) results. For those who have not,
please put down that coffee you are drinking before you read the next sentence. The COE closed at S$92,100
for small cars (less than 1600cc). Compare that to the motorcycle COE of S$1,933.

Actually if you really think about it, riding a motorcycle is extremely cost effective. You save so much at the petrol station.
You don’t even need to get off the bike to pump. Just pull up, grab a pump nozzle and fill it up. Fuel economy is
unbeatable, and a real blessing on your pocket. Personally when I’m pumping my bike, I like to look around and see
the cost of petrol the cars around me are chalking up, and smile to myself. But, that’s just me.

Motorbikes are so much more affordable in so many other aspects. We outshine all other classes of vehicles when
it comes to the affordability of insurance, road tax and parking. Even if you “kena saman” (get a parking ticket),
the fine is still a lot cheaper than those of your driver friends.


Speaking of parking, finding a place to park your motorbike is rarely a big problem. This is especially true for
parking at public buildings such as malls. For one thing, you will not need to queue. Just ride beside the
long queue of cars waiting to enter the building, while resisting the urge you might have to point and laugh
at them as you go past.


People (generally) will not ask you for a lift
Ask any driver, and they will tell you one of the most irritating peeves they face when they drive is people asking
them for a lift to various places. Hardly anyone will do that if you ride a motorbike, taking into consideration the
fact that a pillion will need a helmet. Even if you have one spare, it will not necessarily fit the person looking
for that free “tompang” (ride).


Cutting Edge performance
Motorbikes are generally superior in terms of power when you compare them to cars. The power to weight ratio
is one of the biggest reasons why. The motorbike’s engine only has one job: to move the motorbike.
They don’t have air-conditioning or other accessories to power. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule.


Quick means of transport Traffic jam? So what?


Girl magnet I can tell you this honestly as a girl: there is just something sexy about watching a man ride his machine.
It gives guys the “bad boy” image, and most girls love the bad boys, even if they won’t admit it out loud.

I’m sure most guys like to pillion the ladies as well, as you get to feel them hold you from behind.
Just don’t keep on braking. You think we don’t know what you are trying to do, ah?


We riders all feel like we belong to one special community, which sets us apart from other motorists on the road.
We have our own culture. Many of us have friends that are riders as well with similar motorbike interests,
and I’m sure everyone will agree that it’s nice to belong.

So now you know why. So stop asking.




COE Results
Rd 1, 08 May 2024
COE Bidding of Motorcycles