Contest 888 Winner

Posted On : 10-07-2014

Recently, SGBikeMart organized a contest named Contest888 which lasted for 8 weeks.
The event was to get motorcyclist post an picture of themselves with their bike on SGBikeMart Facebook Page.
The picture that has the most likes on will be winner the $888 cash money.


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The top 2 contestant of the contest at the very end of the entire contest.

(Left) S Vinoth Krishnan with his YZF-R15 and (Right) Tan Mun Ting with her Vespa PX200.


Mun Ting with 4172 likes to her picture won over Vinoth which also hold an huge amount of 3906 likes to his picture.

It was exciting till the very end when you can see their likes overtaking each other at different point of the day.
Her hard-work had not disappoint her and crowned her the winner of the contest in the end.

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Tan Mun Ting collecting her prize money at SGBikeMart.

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Tan Mun Ting with her Vespa PX200 at SGBikeMart.

Mun Ting said:
"It was really exciting! Vinoth was actually leading throughout the entire competition
and  I was trying very hard to catch up on the number of likes to overtake him. I had to camp
on facebook for days to ask people to like my photo! I even had to utilize my friends' Facebook account."

It was a happy occasion where motorcyclist get to share their picture of themselves and their bike
with everyone that have a passion for motorcycles in this contest.


COE Results
Rd 2, 17 Apr 2024
COE Bidding of Motorcycles